Preparing for End of Life Series

End of Life Series

New Series - Preparing for End of Life

6 sessions* - Sundays, September 8, 15, 22, 29 & October 6 & 13
In the Sanctuary following the Sunday service from Noon - 12:45 pm
Presented by:  Elizabeth Bradfield
Hospice Care Consultant
*You are not required to attend all six sessions.  You may pick and choose those that interest you.

September 8 - Putting Your Affairs in Order

     If you died suddenly, does your family know where to locate important papers?  Passwords?  Combination to a safe/lockbox?  In this session participants will have the opportunity to prepare for the moment of their death by completing an easy-to-follow workbook.

September 15 - Advanced Directives 
     This document allows you to put your healthcare decisions in a written legal document and for you to designate a trusted person to carry out your decisions.  A workbook from Munson Healthcare is provided.
September 22 - Obituary Writing Workshop
     The template provided is a start in documenting important dates and life accomplishments for a time when the information is needed for an obituary.
September 29 - Pre-planning Your Funeral
     Explore creative ways to honor the dead and celebrate the life lived instead of only grieving the loss.  Learn ways to personalize a funeral or celebration of life.
October 6 - Dealing with Dementia
     Receive guidance for how to work with a friend/family member who struggles with memory issues.  Learn how to determine what certain behaviors may mean and how to structure their lifestyle to provide as much consistency and security as possible. 
October 13 - Intro to Hospice
     This session will help dispel some of the myths surrounding hospice and explain how to make the most of hospice services at the end of life.
Interested?  There will be sign up sheets in the church lobby.  Questions?  Contact any member of the SEE (Spiritual Enrichment and Education) team:  Vickie Green, Mollie DaBell, Jill Zofia and Ann Reed via email at