My name is Libby Robold, a Unity student of four decades. I feel called to serve on the Board because of the times in which we live, and the challenges these times bring to our church community. I feel my vast and varied Unity background gives me history and insights that may be helpful in rebuilding after the Pandemic. I would like to help bring families and people of all ages to the church to create a vibrant and diverse group. If elected, I would look forward to listening, envisioning and creating more ways to celebrate Unity thought. I believe Unity is about being holistic in our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, both individually and as a community body.
My Unity experiences of service include: Unity Education Teacher on Sunday mornings with elementary through high school students, Music Team Coordinator, Choir Member, Soloist, Ensembles, Children’s Plays and Choir (have written and directed at least 5 Holiday productions with Unity youth and adults - most were musicals - and worked with the musicians and congregants to make it happen). I have been on the Nominating Committee at least twice and chaired the committee when Rev. Eileen was hired. I have been Worship Assistant for many years and currently serve as the Team Chair. I have volunteered for events of all kinds and, along with my husband, Michael, have hosted study groups, facilitated services when we did not have a minister, or when a minister was ill. I have been a guest speaker on numerous occasions and was called in at one time to help a diverse board create peaceful resolution.
I believe my unique careers have blessed me with many people skills and opportunities to write curriculum and programs that have been effective in business, teaching and spiritual pursuits. My background includes elementary teacher, Special Educator as Art Therapist/Yoga Therapist (TBAISD with severely emotionally impaired children K-18), NMC adjunct faculty and Extended Education Instructor. With my husband, I have operated Michigan Bicycle Touring, taking people on biking, hiking, and kayaking trips for 25 years. Currently, we operate Yoga for Health Education, LLC, Center for Conscious Living, now in its twentieth year of operation, where I
teach yoga. My specialty is Yoga Therapy, for people with physical and emotional issues. I am Board Certified by the International Association of Yoga Therapists and by the National Ayurvedic Medical Association as an Ayurvedic Health Counselor and an Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist. Ayurveda is Eastern Indian Medicine, the science of life and how to live life in accordance with the laws of nature. I bought my first yoga book at Unity of Jackson, MI, which put me on a long time career.
Unity has been, and continues to be, a huge part of my life. If I can help Unity of TC to move forward in 2021 and beyond, I am inspired to serve.