At Unity of Traverse City, we are Unity in Action! Volunteer service is the back bone of our spiritual community. We believe that being in service enhances our own experience of living an abundant and meaningful life. There are many opportunities to serve our spiritual community as well as our local community and beyond.
Our Volunteer Teams
Angel Team
This team offers support to those in the congregation who may be moving through a time of challenge, in particular, those experiencing health challenges.
Anne Walker, Chair: amiddlesis@icloud.com
June Neal, Co-Chair: jiin8804@charter.net
Yvette Babin-Ringsmuth, Co-Chair: yringer@chartermi.net,
Board of Trustees
Members of the board of trustees are elected by the voting membership of the ministry and serve as the governing body of the ministry. They are responsible for representing the interests of the congregation, setting church policy, and working closely with the senior minister in holding the vision of the church and supporting the unfoldment of its mission.
Building and Grounds Team
This team assesses the ongoing maintenance and repair of the church campus and structures. They are responsible for seeing that the building and structures are maintained in safe, working condition, and also assure that routine, seasonal upkeep is completed.
Contact us at info@unitytraversecity.org for more information
Bylaws Committee
The role of this committee is to periodically review the bylaws of the church and propose recommendations to the voting membership for change and/or updates if and when needed.
Blake Ringsmuth, Chair: blake@ringsmuthlawtc.com
Community Service/Outreach Team
This team serves to coordinate with the various programs to which the ministry offers its time, talent, and treasures.
Contact us at info@unitytraversecity.org for more information
Decorating Team
This team oversees the decorating of the church campus during the seasonal holidays and special events.
Nancy Newman: greenertc@chartermi.net
Lori Wheldon: loriwheldon@gmail.com
Finance Committee
This team is a standing committee of the board of trustees and is responsible for reviewing significant financial matters that come before the ministry.
Ann Reed, Board of Trustees Treasurer: annmreed53@gmail.com
J. Dulzo Tax & Accounting Services, Inc.: jdulzo@jdtaxtc.com
Fundraising Team
Members of this team propose various fundraising opportunities for the ministry to sponsor during each fiscal year.
Contact us at info@unitytraversecity.org for more information.
Internet and Web Team
This team develops and maintains the church's website, creates the weekly E-newsletter, and is responsible for the church's social media presence.
Meg Gray, Board Media Manager: megamomma77@gmail.com
Music Team
This team of both professional and volunteer musicians, vocalists, and song leaders work with the music director in providing the musical program for the church.
Carol Purcell, Music Director: carolsgroove@yahoo.com
Nominating Committee
This team is a standing team whose role is to oversee the nominating process for potential election to the board of trustees.
Mollie DaBell, Chair: molliedabell@yahoo.com
Bob White, Vice-Chair, Board President: robwht@gmail.com
Paul Carbonell, Board Representative: carbonmusic100@gmail.com
Office Administration Support Team
Volunteers on the team support the day-to-day administration needs of the ministry.
Kay Zins, Admin Support: kayzins@charter.net
Mollie DaBell, Admin Support: molliedabell@yahoo.com
Prayer Chaplain Team
Prayer is the foundation upon which Unity was established and is at the heart of every aspect of Unity of Traverse City. Through our team of prayer chaplains, we are able to offer prayer support to our spiritual community as they open to the unlimited possibilities of Spirit in their lives. The core of our prayer chaplain commitment is:
* Holding sacred space
* Active and loving listening
* Affirmative pray from the heart
* Strict confidentiality
Unity practices affirmative prayer. Affirmative prayer is the practice of seeing the highest and best in any given situation, regardless of its outer circumstances. In Unity, we see the divinity of each individual and understand that God is in all.
Our chaplains are available after every Sunday service for one-on-one prayer for all who desire it. They also hold sacred space in the sanctuary during the service. For those wishing to be placed on a list to receive a monthly call of prayer, please contact the church.
Our current chaplains are: Maryann Cacciaglia, Kelly Lambert, Shelia McRae, Joy Simonson, Bob White, Jill Zofia
For more information, please contact Maryann Cacciaglia, Chairperson: maryanncacciaglia@gmail.com
Service Teams
Service Coordinators:
Members of this team are responsible for coordinating the volunteer teams that stand in support of the Sunday and special event services. The Service Coordinator provides overall guidance to the Ushers/Greeters and delegates duties where they are needed during the service along with duties associated with the church closing and lock-up.
Sue Schwartz, Service Coordinator Leader: susanschwartz@chartermi.net
Active volunteers: Leslie Ginsberg, Sue Schwartz, and Kay Zins
Fellowship Volunteers:
These volunteers set up, prepare, and serve food and refreshments for our time of fellowship that follows Sunday Celebration Services.
Current volunteers:
Brooke Borgeson-Gray, Vickie Green, Brooke Borgeson-Gray, Susan Blessing, Ann Reed, and Bob White
These volunteers provide a warm and loving welcome to all as they arrive for service. They provide overall guidance (as needed), assist with name tags, collect financial offerings, and direct newcomers to Unity information packets/brochures.
Current volunteers: Vickie Green, Marty and Carole Chirgwin, Maryann Cacciaglia, Chuck and Susie Konieczny, Ann Reed, Sue Schwartz, Nancy & Raleigh Newman, and Lori Wheldon.
Screen Operators:
The Screen Operator assists the Audio/Video Technician in using a remote to assure that the announcements, congregational song lyrics, and other scripted materials display accurately on the message screens during Sunday Celebration Services.
Current volunteers: Mollie Dabell and Sheila McRae
Spiritual Enrichment and Education Committee
The purpose of the Spiritual Enrichment and Education Committee (SEE) is to encourage the spiritual growth and development of participants in accordance with Unity principles and values. The committee will do this by providing opportunities and activities which can assist participants in achieving greater spiritual understanding, wisdom, and discernment.
Scope of Responsibility:
The Spiritual Enrichment and Education Committee will operate according to the following guidelines and parameters:
The Spiritual Enrichment and Education Committee will be comprised of no more than six members, one member being a current Board representative who acts as a liaison. The Board liaison will be responsible for updating the Board concerning activities of SEE, recommendations for future programming, and impact of programs delivered. Members will agree to serve a one-year term which can be extended.
The committee will make decisions as to what educational and enrichment programs will be sponsored through Unity of Traverse City (UTC), along with input from the Board of Directors, to ensure that the spiritual education and enrichment initiatives are in alignment with the overall vision and goals of UTC.
The committee may organize and present some of the programming, but it is not expected that the committee will provide all the programs. Rather, the committee will solicit others with applicable knowledge or experience to be active leaders in the various activities.
The committee will offer opportunities and activities that cover a wide range of spiritual subjects that are aligned with Unity principles and values, as well as diverse learning formats which may include book studies, video and topic-based discussion groups, guest speakers, retreats, workshops, and other formats. It is an expectation of the committee to have a minimum of one enrichment or education program per month.
The committee will be responsible for scheduling a year-round educational and enrichment program at UTC. This will include coordinating the schedule, logistics and promotion of events offered either by the committee or other interested parties. This will also include maintaining a yearly calendar of enrichment and educational events. The committee will also work with other committees (e.g. marketing, social media) to promote and raise awareness about enrichment and educational activities.
The committee may also explore partnerships and collaborations with other spiritual organizations, educational institutions, or community groups to expand the reach and impact of the programs.
The committee will ensure that appropriate resources, materials, and technology are available to support the delivery of the programs.
The committee will not be responsible for activities of non UTC organizations (e.g. Al-Anon), fundraising, Sunday services and fellowship, business meetings or the scheduling of other committee events.
The committee will seek suggestions regarding topics and presentations from the congregation on a regular basis to determine their interest in various program options. The committee will also seek participant feedback and evaluations on programs offered to improve program offerings. The committee will regularly review program offerings to ensure relevance, effectiveness, and alignment with the evolving needs of the community.
Vickie Green: vickie@vickielgreen.com
and Mollie DaBell: molliedabell@yahoo.com
This team assists the senior minister or guest speakers in delivering Sunday and special services.
Libby Robold, Coordinator: libbyrobold@gmail.com
Volunteers: Libby and Michael Robold, Blake Ringsmuth and Yvette Babin-Ringsmuth, Bob White, and Raleigh Newman (back-up)